Friday, November 1, 2013

שבת שלום

חברים יקרים שהיה לכם שבת שלום שבת של בריאות וקדוש לכולם


Six days shall work be done: but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation; ye shall do no manner of work: it is a Sabbath unto Jehovah in all your dwellings.  – Leviticus 23:3

A Psalm of David:
"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want."
Holy Bible
Psalm Twenty Three: One


الجمعة 27/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 1/11/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 10:57 (مكة المكرمة)، 7:57 (غرينتش)
Friday, 12/27/1434 - corresponding to 11/01/2013 AD (updated) at 10:57 (Mecca), 7:57 (GMT)
لقاح لمرض الإيدز قريبا
A vaccine for AIDS soon
تطوير لقاح جديد للوقاية من الإيدز (غيتي إيميدجز)
The development of a new vaccine for the prevention of AIDS (Getty Aimiddz)


Mechanics carrying out repairs on a car in France made an appalling discovery of a naked, dehydrated baby girl in the car boot who had probably been forced to live there since birth.


A man has died after having his testicles bitten off by his pet pitbull.


A young man in Oslo has made enough money from a $27 investment in Bitcoin, the digital currency, that he has been able toput down a deposit on a two bedroom apartment.

Associate Editor
Hannah Cleaver


الجمعة 27/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 1/11/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 2:54 (مكة المكرمة)، 23:54 (غرينتش)
Friday, 12/27/1434 - corresponding to 11/01/2013 AD (updated) at 2:54 pm (Mecca), 23:54 (GMT)

إسرائيل تقصف شحنة صواريخ قرب اللاذقية
Israel bombed a shipment of missiles near Latakia

photo: aljazeera
طيران إسرائيلي استهدفت قاعدة عسكرية سورية تخزن صواريخ قرب اللاذقية (الأوروبية-أرشيف)
Israeli Air targeted a Syrian military base stored missiles near Latakia (European - Archive)


Thursday, October 31, 2013


الأربعاء 25/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 30/10/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 17:49 (مكة المكرمة)، 14:49 (غرينتش)
Wednesday, 25/12/1434 - corresponding to 10/30/2013 AD (updated) at 17:49 (Mecca), 14:49 (GMT)

تويتر تدشن تصميما جديدا لموقعها الإلكتروني
Twitter launches new design for its website

التصميم الجديد يهدف لاستقطاب مزيد من المعلنين وبالتالي تحقيق مزيد من الأرباح (رويترز)

The new design aims to attract more advertisers and thus achieve more profits (Reuters)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Holy Qur'an
Surah 93:1-3
"By the Glorious Morning Light, and by the Night when it is still, -
Your Guardian-Lord has not forsaken you, nor is He displeased."

Sealed Fabric Paint on Styrofoam
LR41 Party Bulb

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


"And I will give you shepherds in agreement with my heart, and they will certainly feed you with knowledge and understanding."

Jeremiah Three: Fifteen
Holy Bible (NWT)
Fabric Paint on Paper


الثلاثاء 24/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 29/10/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 5:32 (مكة المكرمة)، 2:32 (غرينتش)
Tuesday, 24/12/1434 - corresponding to 10/29/2013 AD (updated) at 5:32 pm (Mecca), 2:32 (GMT)

كيري: قد أزور مصر قريبا
Kerry: You may visit Egypt soon

photo: aljazeera

كيري زار مصر والتقى مرسي في مارس/آذار الماضي قبل أشهر من إطاحة الجيش به في يوليو/تموز
Kerry visited Egypt and met Mursi in March / March last months before the overthrow by the army in July (European - Archive)
من الذي في الصورة المرحوم مرسي !!!! والله يا الجزيرة عليك حركات !!!!

Please, Mr. Kerry does not come to our country We do not نستبشر the good comfy.


Published comments do not reflect the opinion of the island, but reflect the opinion of their authors

Monday, October 28, 2013

Mama's Law:

"My son , keep the commandments of thy father, and forget not the law of thy mother."

Proverbiorum VI:XX
Fabric Paint on Styofoam on Dollar Tray
LR-41 party bulb

Fine Dining

Photo: Middle East Forum

The Kerrys and the Assads dined together at the Naranj Restaurant in the old city of Damascus in 2009, a reminder that some of those now most fervently anti-Bashar were also until recently among his most avid apologists.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


الأحد 22/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 27/10/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 12:55 (مكة المكرمة)، 9:55 (غرينتش)
Sunday, 22/12/1434 - corresponding to 10/27/2013 AD (updated) at 12:55 (Mecca), 9:55 (GMT)


photo: aljazeera
الجينات تلعب دورا رئيسيا في الإصابة بالحساسية (الألمانية)
Genes play a major role in the incidence of allergies (German)