Friday, February 14, 2014


الجمعة 13/4/1435 هـ - الموافق 14/2/2014 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 14:15 (مكة المكرمة)، 11:15 (غرينتش)
Friday, 04/13/1435 AH - corresponding to 02/14/2014 AD (updated) 14:15 (Mecca), 11:15 (GMT)

صفقات تسليح وواشنطن تنتقد دعم بوتين للسيسي
Deals arming and Washington criticizing Putin's support for Cisse 
photo: aljazeera
الميغ 29 من بين المعدات العسكرية التي ستبيعها روسيا لمصر بموجب العقود المعلن عنها (الأوروبية-أرشيف)
MiG-29 of military equipment that Russia is delivering to Egypt under the contracts advertised (European - Archive )


Did you know that it’s illegal to carry live snails on a French high-speed train? The Local has put together a selection of France’s strangest laws with a couple of made-up laws thrown in just to test you.


A ten-year-old boy in Norway who took his toddler sister for a joyride in the family car and ended up in a snowy ditch, told police he was a dwarf.


A Swedish man wants to renounce his fatherhood after artificial insemination produced twins, when he claims to have only agreed to one child.

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Blog outing online racists causes a stir

A blog which posts pictures and names of internet users who make racist comments online has caused a stir in Germany and has had its Facebook page shut. Is it going too far? 

Sunday, February 9, 2014


الأحد 8/4/1435 هـ - الموافق 9/2/2014 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 15:41 (مكة المكرمة)، 12:41 (غرينتش)
Sunday, 04/08/1435 AH - corresponding to 02/09/2014 AD (updated) 15:41 pm (Mecca), 12:41 (GMT)

يراكم الروائي اللبناني أنطوان الدويهي تجربته السردية داخل معطى النوع لا الكم، لذلك فهو ينتمي إلى فئة الروائيين المقلين الذين يختفون أكثر مما يظهرون، ويبرر ذلك بكون النشر لا يعنيه أمام إغراء الكتابة نفسها.

Accumulating Lebanese novelist Antoine Duwaihi his narrative within a given type does not quantum, so he belongs to the category of those who disappear novelists Almkulain more than show, and justified by the fact that ...