Friday, October 4, 2013


Dragonfly from Frelion le Chat
Envirotex Lite/pinata ink/glass on dollar tray

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Signaculum as seal...

Canticum Canticorum VIII:VI/Song of Songs 8:6
Fabric Paint on Styrofoam
Fall Lesson, October 1-3, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

from Manfred Schroeder:


The Gambler's Ruin:


Math Laws:


Manfred Robert Schroeder, Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws:  Minutes from an Infinite Paradise, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1991.

Monday, September 30, 2013


“Alchemy tradeth not with metals as ignorant vulgars may think,” wrote Isaac Newton from London after the plague in 1666.  He further emphasized that “This Philosophy is not of that kind which tendeth to vanity & deceipt [sic] but rather to profit and edification inducing first the knowledge of God.” [italics added].

“The vital agent diffused through everything in the earth is one and the same.”

“At the Sign of the Pelican in Little Britain….”
Ieova sanctus unus
Pseudonym used by Isaac Newton (Isaacus Nevtonus) for his alchemical work.

“In re-creating the substance of the world and producing gold, the alchemist was re-creating himself in the image of the godhead.” - Peter Ackroyd, Ackroyd’s Brief Lives – Newton; Doubleday, 2006.


"Everything is Meaningless..."

Ecclesiastes (The Preacher) Two:One
Holy Bible (MT, NIV)
Hebrew/Chinese (Simplified)
Fabric Paint, Pinata Ink on Styrofoam

Fair as the Moon...

...Bright as the Sun....

Song of Solomon 6:9
Holy Bible (Vulgate, NWT)
Fabric Paint, Pinata Ink on Styrofoam; Dollar Platter.


Psalm 78:16
Holy Bible (MT)
Fabric Paint on Styrofoam