Saturday, October 12, 2013


Holy Qur'aan
Ad-Dhuha/The Glorious Morning Light
Surah 93:1 - 3

Fabric Paint on Styrofoam

Friday, October 11, 2013


Arise, Shine...

...thy light is come, and upon you the very glory of Yehovah has shown forth.

Isaiah Sixty:One

Thursday, October 10, 2013


To the Honor and Memory of

Mary Kate Hobson
August Eleventh, 1897 - June Sixteenth, 1904


Colonel John Jackson Dickison, CSA 
March Twenty Eighth, 1816 – August Twentieth, 1902 
Commander, Florida Company H of the Second Florida Cavalry,
War of Northern Aggression.
Commanded  the only known incident in U.S. history where a cavalry unit sank an enemy gunboat. 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Evergreen Cemetery
Jacksonville, Florida

Monday, October 7, 2013

for the Groom:

He hath set water and fire before thee:
stretch forth thy hand to which thou wilt.

Ecclesiasticus XV:XVIII

Song of Sweetness?

'tis within


الأحد 24/11/1434 هـ - الموافق 29/9/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 10:44 (مكة المكرمة)، 7:44 (غرينتش)
Sunday, 24/11/1434 - corresponding to 29/09/2013 AD (updated) at 10:44 (Mecca), 7:44 (GMT)

تمهيدا لنقله لموقعه الطبيعي
In preparation for the move to its natural

نجاح زراعة أنف لمريض في جبهته بالصين
Successful cultivation of a patient's nose in his forehead, China
photo: aljazeera

الأنف الذي تمت زراعته في الجبهة (غيتي إيميجز)
Nose, which was planted in the front (Getty Images)

photo: aljazeera

الطبيب يفحص أنف شاوليان المصاب قبل أن يتم استبداله بالأنف المزروع الظاهر على الجهة اليسرى من جبهته (رويترز)
Doctor examines nose Haolian infected before they can be transplanted to replace the nose appears on the left side of his forehead (Reuters)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Line One

Holy Qur'an
Lesson of the Hajj
Mixed Media

photo: aljazeera