Friday, November 8, 2013



This week kicked off with the amazing story of the more than 1,000 artworks hoarded in a Munich flat since the end of WWII. It is thought most of them were considered degenerate art by the Nazis - and had been stolen or bought under duress from Jewish owners.
The stash included work by Picasso, Renoir and Matisse, and a self-portrait by Otto Dix. Once the art world had gathered itself after the shock of the discovery, criticism was quickly aimed at the German authorities for having kept it secret for two years. Now pressure is increasing for the reluctant Germans to publish a full list of the works so heirs of those who were robbed can make claims.

Drunk taxi request leads to Belgium

A very drunk German ended up in Belgium after asking a taxi driver to take him home. His slurry “nach Hause” sounded to the driver like “nach Hauset” – miles away in Belgium. The man could not pay the fare and now faces legal trouble. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Holy Qur'an
fabric paint on styrofoam the glorious morning light....

allahu akbar


الثلاثاء 2/1/1435 هـ - الموافق 5/11/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 12:45 (مكة المكرمة)، 9:45 (غرينتش)
Tuesday, 01/02/1435 - corresponding to 05/11/2013 AD (updated) at 12:45 (Mecca), 9:45 (GMT)


“Yarn” of Syria, Iran, Russia, U.S....

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


الأربعاء 3/1/1435 هـ - الموافق 6/11/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 19:34 (مكة المكرمة)، 16:34 (غرينتش)
Wednesday, 01/03/1435 - corresponding to 11/06/2013 AD (updated) time 19:34 (Mecca), 16:34 (GMT)

كنتاكي الأميركية تغلق فروعها في سوريا
Kentucky U.S. closed its branches in Syria
photo: aljazeera

شركة كنتاكي فتحت أول فرع لها في سوريا عام 2006 (الأوروبية-أرشيف)
Kentucky company opened its first branch in Syria in 2006 (European - Archive)


الأربعاء 3/1/1435 هـ - الموافق 6/11/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 16:33 (مكة المكرمة)، 13:33 (غرينتش)
Wednesday, 01/03/1435 - corresponding to 11/06/2013 AD (updated) time 16:33 (Mecca), 13:33 (GMT)

تفريش الأسنان... لماذا تفعل اليوم ما يمكنك تأجيله للغد؟
Brushing teeth... Why do today what you can put off for tomorrow?

photo: aljazeera

بعد تناول الأغذية الحمضية يجب تأجيل تفريش الأسنان لمدة نصف ساعة (غيتي إيميجز)
After eating acidic foods toothbrushing should be postponed for half an hour (Getty Images) 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


الاثنين 1/1/1435 هـ - الموافق 4/11/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 13:49 (مكة المكرمة) ، 10:49 (غرينتش)
Monday, 01/01/1435 - corresponding to 04/11/2013 AD (updated) time 13:49 (Mecca), 10:49 (GMT)

تقرير: تواطؤ أطباء في تعذيب بسجون أميركية
Report: doctors complicity in the torture of American prisons

photo: aljazeera
وفق التقرير شارك الأطباء بالانتهاكات في غوانتانامو وسجون أميركية سرية (رويترز)
According to the report doctors participated violations in Guantanamo and American secret prisons (Reuters)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Google Language Training:

ערב ניפלה באמשך חברים שלי אני מאוד אוהבת את השקיע וים
Nipple dinner Bamsc my friends I love invested hooks
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 Appreciation to ‫מרינה אמינוב‬‎


Thunder! Pika~tsu!
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+*****- чудесного!

+ ***** - wonderful!
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Assad's North Korean Connection

By Jonathan Spyer
The Jerusalem Post
November 1, 2013

 Assad's North Korean Connection

Reports have emerged this week indicating the presence of North Korean military personnel in Syria. They note that 15 North Korean helicopter pilots are operating on behalf of the Assad regime within the country.
The reports have been validated by the pro-rebel but usually reliable Syrian Observatory for Human Rights . They are also not the first evidence that Pyongyang is actively involved on the ground in the Assad regime's war effort.
Earlier this year, the Saudi-based regional newspaper Sharq al-Awsat carried eyewitness reports revealing the presence of North Korean officers among the Syrian regime's ground forces in the city of Aleppo. On this occasion, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights was itself the source of the report.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


الأحد 29/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 3/11/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 11:16 (مكة المكرمة)، 8:16 (غرينتش)
Sunday, 12/29/1434 - corresponding to 11/03/2013 AD (updated) at 11:16 (Mecca), 8:16 (GMT)

التهاب الكبد الفيروسي
Viral Hepatitis
photo: aljazeera
الكبد يخلص الجسم من السموم (دويتشه فيلله)
Liver rids the body of toxins (Deutsche Welle)

هو أحد أنواع التهابات التي تصيب الكبد وتؤثر على صحة الشخص مما قد يقود إلى مضاعفات خطيرة مثل تشمّع الكبد وفشله وسرطانه. ويلعب التطعيم دورا أساسيا في الوقاية من المرض، بالإضافة لمراعاة أسس النظافة الشخصية وإرشادات منع انتقال العدوى.

Is one of the types of infections that affect the liver and affect a person's health, which could lead to serious complications such as cirrhosis and liver failure and carcinoma . And vaccination plays an essential role in the prevention of disease, in addition to taking into account the foundations of personal hygiene and guidelines to prevent the transmission of infection.


الأحد 29/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 3/11/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 14:08 (مكة المكرمة)، 11:08 (غرينتش)
Sunday, 12/29/1434 - corresponding to 11/03/2013 AD (updated) time 14:08 (Mecca), 11:08 (GMT)

تشمّع الكبد
Cirrhosis of the liver
photo: aljazeera

هو مرض يصيب الكبد ويحدث فيها تندّب للخلايا الكبدية، وينتج عن تعرض الأخيرة للضرر أو الأمراض على مدى فترة زمنية طويلة، إذ تقوم الكبد بإنتاج النسيج الندبي كمحاولة لإصلاح الضرر الذي أصيب به، ولكن النسيج الجديد لا يقوم بوظائف الكبد بشكل سليم، مما يقود إلى تقهقر صحة الكبد وتراجعها.
Is a disease of the liver and occurs scarring of the cells liver, resulting in exposure last damage or disease over a long period of time, since the liver produces scar tissue in an attempt to repair the damage that you caught it, but the new fabric does not functions of the liver properly, leading to decline the health of the liver and retreat.