Saturday, October 26, 2013


"Therefore will I scatter them as the stubble that passeth away by the wind of the wilderness."

Jeremiah Thirteen: Twenty Four
The Bible (Masoretic Text)
Fabric Paint on Styrofoam



Most Read This Week

Vets: Dogs overdose on drug-user poop

Drug-users' excrement is making dogs in Berlin high. Vets in the capital are warning about an increase in the number of pets falling ill and being unable to walk properly after eating the faeces in the city's parks. READ »

Friday, October 25, 2013


الخميس 19/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 24/10/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 16:46 (مكة المكرمة)، 13:46 (غرينتش)
Thursday, 19/12/1434 - corresponding to 10/24/2013 AD (updated) time 16:46 (Mecca), 13:46 (GMT)

الشرطة المصرية تعتقل متظاهرين في الإسكندرية عقب فض مسيرة بقنابل الغاز
Egyptian police arrest protesters in Alexandria after the resolution of the march of gas bombs

مكملات الأحماض الأمينية.. مخاطر ومحاذير
Amino acid supplements... The risks and precautions
photo: aljazeera
البعض يتناول مكملات الأحماض الأمينية كـ"التسالي" (الألمانية)
Some addresses the amino acid supplements as a "game" (German)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Google Language Training:


Really beautiful Oh!

Show original text

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


الأربعاء 18/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 23/10/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 21:22 (مكة المكرمة)، 18:22 (غرينتش)
Wednesday, 18/12/1434 - corresponding to 10/23/2013 AD (updated) at 21:22 (Mecca), 18:22 (GMT)
 مطالبة السعوديات بقيادة السيارة تشعل تويتر
Saudi women to drive a car claim ignite Twitter

photo: aljazeera

مؤيدو حملة "القيادة اختيار وليست إجبارا" نفذوا فيلما كرتونيا لدعم مطالب السعوديات بقيادة السيارة (الجزيرة)
Supporters of the campaign "leadership selection and not إجبارا" carried out a Krtonaa film to support the demands of Saudi women to drive a car (Island)

The Libyan:

الأربعاء 18/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 23/10/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 10:26 (مكة المكرمة)، 7:26 (غرينتش)
Wednesday, 18/12/1434 - corresponding to 10/23/2013 AD (updated) at 10:26 pm (Mecca), 7:26 (GMT)

محكمة أميركية ترجئ محاكمة الليبي إلى ديسمبر
U.S. court to defer the trial of the Libyan to December

photo: aljazeera

الليبي عبر لمحاميه عن انزعاجه الشديد من القبض عليه وتعصيب عينيه أمام منزله (الجزيرة)
Libyan through his lawyer is deeply disturbed over the arrest and blindfolded in front of his house  (the island )

"rocked" -

الاثنين 16/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 21/10/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 15:08 (مكة المكرمة)، 12:08 (غرينتش)
Monday, 16/12/1434 - corresponding to 10/21/2013 AD (updated) time 15:08 (Mecca), 12:08 (GMT)
استطلاع للرأي
An opinion poll
السعودية وعضوية مجلس الأمن... بين رافض ومؤيد
Saudi Arabia and the membership of the Security Council... Between dismissive and supporter of

photo: aljazeera

في خطوة غير مسبوقة هزت الأوساط الدبلوماسية رفضت المملكة العربية السعودية عضوية مجلس الأمن الدولي حتى يتم إصلاحه وتمكينه فعليا وعمليا من أداء واجباته وتحمل مسؤولياته في الحفاظ على الأمن والسلم الدوليين.
In an unprecedented step rocked the diplomatic community Saudi Arabia rejected membership of the UN Security Council until it is repaired and enable it to effectively and practically from the performance of his duties and carry out its responsibilities in maintaining international peace and security.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Google Language Training:

КОРАН- вышитый нитками. От А до Я.
Photo: Courtesy of 

Лена Костина

 Coral embroidered thread. From A to Z.

To God - Praise The Name


South African Radio Station Fined for Unflattering Mention of Islam

By Andrew E. Harrod
 The Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa (BCCSA) fined in an judgments South African radio broadcaster for making an "unjustifiable connection with Islam" during news reports.
This punitive second-guessing of journalistic conduct with respect to referencing background material such as a religion entails the most negative of consequences for a crucially important unhindered discussion of Islam.
BCCSA fined the public broadcaster SAfm R10, 000 each for two violations of South Africa's Broadcasting Code on May 24, 2013. The complainant, SAMNET (South African Muslim Network), charged in the first instance that a SAfm noon bulletin discussed "immigrants protesting in Switzerland about employment and other issues." The clip stated that the "protesters were not linked to any religion even though some Muslims were present." "By inference…members of other religious groups" unnamed were present. This "blatant prejudicial reporting…casts Muslims in a negative light."

The second SAMNET accusation involved an afternoon news report of two men arrested for endangering a Pakistan-United Kingdom flight. Various news reports described "British nationals" involved in a "criminal offense" with no "terrorism angle." Yet SAfm linked the flight with the May 22 London murders of British soldier Lee Rigby described by SAfm's announcer as "perpetrated by two Islamic extremists." SAMNET objected that no information tied the episode to terrorism or Islam, and thereby "adding to the already anger [sic] against Muslims…after the Boston and Woolwich incidents, SAFM news is perpetuating misconceptions and prejudice."



الاثنين 16/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 21/10/2013 م (آخر تحديث) الساعة 23:11 (مكة المكرمة)، 20:11 (غرينتش)
Monday, 16/12/1434 - corresponding to 10/21/2013 AD (updated) time 23:11 (Mecca), 20:11 (GMT)
قال إن إطلاق اللبنانيين كان سيتم على دفعتين
He said that the launch of the Lebanese was to be in two installments

لواء عاصفة الشمال يدعو لإطلاق المعتقلات السوريات
North Storm Brigade calling for the release of Syrian jails
photo: aljazeera
أعلن لواء عاصفة الشمال اليوم الاثنين أن النظام السوري لم يفرج بعد عن المعتقلات السوريات اللائي كان يفترض إطلاق سراحهن مقابل اللبنانيين التسعة الذين كانوا محتجزين في إعزاز بريف حلب, مطالبا الطرفين التركي والقطري بالالتزام بإتمام صفقة التبادل الضامنين لها.
Announced Brigade storm north on Monday that the Syrian regime has not been released yet prisons Syrian who was supposed to their release against the Lebanese nine who were being held in Azaz Brive Aleppo.  Bureau chief in Beirut had reported earlier that the release of Lebanese nine, pilots Turkish, who were detained in Lebanon was part of a deal also includes the release of hundred prisoner Syria in the prisons system. He said that mystery still surrounds the latter part amid fears of a failure of the Syrian regime that pledge.