الأحد 15/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 20/10/2013 م (آخر تحديث)
الساعة 12:20 (مكة المكرمة)، 9:20 (غرينتش)
Sunday, 12/15/1434 - corresponding to 10/20/2013 AD
(updated) at 12:20 (Mecca), 9:20 (GMT)
هل ابنك يتعاطى المنشطات؟
Does your son is dealing steroids?
المنشطات الرياضية
Sports doping
الإسترويدات نتائجها سريعة لكن
أضرارها وخيمة (الأوروبية)
Steroids quick results but
severe damages (European)
الأحد 15/12/1434 هـ - الموافق 20/10/2013 م (آخر تحديث)
الساعة 12:20 (مكة المكرمة)، 9:20 (غرينتش)
Sunday, 12/15/1434 - corresponding to 10/20/2013 AD
(updated) at 12:20 (Mecca), 9:20 (GMT)
مواد يتم تعاطيها لتحسين الأداء الرياضي مثل زيادة حجم العضلات وقوتها وقدرة التحمل،
وتعتبر مواد غير قانونية، إذ عادة يعاقب متعاطوها بالاستبعاد من البطولات الرياضية،
كما أنها تحمل مخاطر صحية كبيرة على الجسم قد تصل لحد الموت.
Materials are being abused to enhance athletic
performance, such as increased muscle size and strength and endurance, and are
illegal substances, as is usually punishable Mtatoha exclusion from sporting
events, they also carry significant health risks on the body may reach reduce
death. also constitute a doping
sports a danger to young people يتعاطونها for bodies beautiful and muscles twisted, but the
damage may always be, and possibly including their sexual and shows Kdmor in
the testicles and infertility and impotence. Although
he may think at first glance that doping is limited to the male but female math
may Ataatinha also, therefore, the risk of doping includes three groups, the
first involving male and female, and the second is limited to males, and the
third is limited to females. steroids
sports mildly are hormones and substances produced in the body naturally and
you can stimulate the construction of tissues and evolution, but the Mtatoha supplying
their bodies out from an external source, via injection, for example, and the
concentration is too high, thinking they are so inspire build their muscles. Although some steroids can increase
muscle size and strength, but the price for it dearly. Include steroids testosterone and
major sports Alondrostinadon, Algondhatroben and erythropoietin, creatine and energy Parw Pat.
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